This page lists the abbreviations that are commonly used in our patterns. Click any entry in addition to an explanation of the term, many have detailed pictures!
If you have a question about an abbreviation that is not answered here, contact us and let us know how we can help you.
Knitting and Crochet Abbreviations
- approx = approximately
- beg = begin(s)(ning)
- bet = between
- bo = bind off
- bpdc = back post double crochet
- btwn = between
- care washing cleaning
- cc = contrasting color
- ch(s) = chain(s)
- ch-space = space previously made
- cn = cable needle
- co = cast on
- cont = continue
- dbl = double
- dpn(s) = double pointed needle(s)
- dtr = double treble (triple) crochet
- dc = double crochet
- dec = decreas(e)(s)(ing)
- est = establish(ed)
- ext = extension
- foll = follow(s)(ing)
- fpdc = front post double crochet
- fpsc = front post single crochet
- fptc = front post triple crochet
- hdc = half double crochet
- inc = increas(e)(s)(ing)
- k = knit
- k1b = knit 1 in the row below
- k2tog = knit 2 together
- k2togb = knit 2 stitches together through back loop
- k3tog = knit 3 together
- k3togb = knit 3 stitches together through back loop
- kbl = knit through the back loop
- kfb = knit in front and back of st
- lp st = loop stitch
- lp(s) = loops
- M1 = make 1
- M2 = make 2
- MC = main color
- meas = measure(s)
- ndl(s) = needle(s)
- opp = opposite
- p = purl
- p1b = purl through the back loop
- p2sso = pass 2 slipped sts over
- p2tog = purl 2 together
- p2togb = purl 2 together in back
- p3tog = purl 3 together
- pat = pattern
- Pm = place marker
- psso = pass slipped stitch over
- PU = pick up
- rem = remain(s)(ing)
- rep = repeat(s)(ing)
- rev = revers(e)(ing)
- Rev St st = reverse stockinette stich
- rf = right front
- RH = right hand
- rnd(s) = round(s)
- RS = right side
- rsc = reverse single crochet
- S2KP or S2KP2 = slip 2 stitches together, knit 1, pass 2 slip stitches over
- sc = single crochet
- sc2tog = single crochet 2 together
- sc3tog = single crochet 3 together
- sk = skip
- sk2p = slip 1, k2tog, pass sl st over
- skp = slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped st over
- sl = slip
- sl st = slip stitch
- slip 1-knit 1-psso = slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over
- sm = slip marker
- sp(s) = space(s)
- sq(s) = square(s)
- ssk = slip, slip, knit
- St st = Stockinette stitch
- st(s) = stitch(es)
- t-ch = turning chain
- tbl = through the back loop
- tog = together
- tr = treble (triple) crochet
- work even
- WS = wrong side
- wyib = with yarn in back
- wyif = with yarn in front
- yo = yarn over
- yrh = yarn over (yarn round hook)